Tuesday, November 18, 2008


While reading a bedtime story, my 8 year old daughter leaned over and gently patted my hand and asked me, "Mama, one day will my face be in agony, too?" I was puzzled and said, "I guess if you're upset about something." She smiled a confused little smile and replied, "Oh, I thought you just got agony when you become a teenager."

Yes, friends she was actually referring to the gigantic zit on my chin. While I'm thankful to have had clear glowing teenage skin, I do feel cheated to now be dealing with pimples in my 30s. So, in answer to Landon's question, I stopped laughing and simply replied, "when your face gets bumps on it its called Acne, but I assure you it's agony as well!"

I am actually feeling 16 again. Twilight comes out on Friday and I confess I'm a little more excited than I would want to admit. The book was very entertaining and I can't wait to see if the big screen portrays Bella and Edward the way I've imagined. I'm sure to be surrounded by 14 year olds with "agony" and will fit in perfectly.


KK said...

So funny--I actually did a post about zits in my thirties a while back. I had just bought my tween her first tube of clearasil and was wondering if she was now getting acne/agony when mine would stop!

amy (metz) walker said...

HILARIOUS!!! I'm in agony, too. I'm 30 and have teenage skin myself.

Trina said...

OMW hilarious! Kids say the funniest things.

I have a huge zit on my forehead and I am 31. Not cool :(

CarolinaGirl said...

That Landon! Madi ran up to me the other day with a band-aid in her hand and gave it to me. I asked her why she gave it to me, and she said ,"to cover that big booboo on your face!" How sweet!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Yep, I am 32 and still getting breakouts (of course the pregnancy isn't helping matters). It can be agony too! :)

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I have agony too and am 31- what's up with that!
I'm also excited about the Twilight movie. Loved the book!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Oh my word, you are so funny!!

I can't wait to see this one myself!!

Alyson said...

That is hilarious. Landon is too funny. I will have to remember that.